Originally posted by GakFace
no.. You obviously dont' understand the payment systems for DSL. There are different option. My parents are paying for the 600/120 deal. There is a gold and there is a premium option, YOU SIR, obviously have the premium option. Don't be so quick to judge. 600 KBits is what we pay for, that that sir.. would be in the 512K area. if you notice 56K, thats 56 KBITS per second. Double that and you're only in the 100's.. still no where near as fast as 600. I know what I'm talking about, I'm not a moron when it comes to computers. I have taken a MCSE course, I know my stuff. I would not make a mistake such as this. My parents aren't paying for the same DSL package that you are paying for. If that is the only Package available in your area, then yours simply wanted to compete with cable, period.. the one in my area like to compete also with money.
No shit, why do you think I'm asking a question here? If it were fast, I think I'd be quite content. Please stop making fun of what I'm currently getting and help me out here, if you have no help, then don't say anything.
This section is for help, and that's what I'm giving. I didn't know that there was a DSL service that offered a maximum of 75 KByte downloads. I've heard the lowest one is 150 KBytes (the one that I have at home). I wasn't making fun of your download speeds, I was agreeing that something was wrong.
If your DSL is going as slow as 30 KByte downloads, I would seriously call the DSL company and ask for a new router/modem. Are you still under contract with them? If so, I think they have to give you one. The modem/router at our house was actually nuked 2 weeks ago by a lightning storm, maybe the same one.

We had to go buy a new one (our contract was out).
It doesn't *sound* like a hardware issue, but that's the only thing I can think of. I'd give'em a call about a new router/modem, and if they can't help, I don't know what to tell you. Whatever happens, good luck!