no.. You obviously dont' understand the payment systems for DSL. There are different option. My parents are paying for the 600/120 deal. There is a gold and there is a premium option, YOU SIR, obviously have the premium option. Don't be so quick to judge. 600 KBits is what we pay for, that that sir.. would be in the 512K area. if you notice 56K, thats 56 KBITS per second. Double that and you're only in the 100's.. still no where near as fast as 600. I know what I'm talking about, I'm not a moron when it comes to computers. I have taken a MCSE course, I know my stuff. I would not make a mistake such as this. My parents aren't paying for the same DSL package that you are paying for. If that is the only Package available in your area, then yours simply wanted to compete with cable, period.. the one in my area like to compete also with money.
Sure there are bytes too, but everywhere ya look you see Bits.. Heck even the speed test shows it in bits before it shows bytes. Besides Lasereth, I can tell you know the difference.. so what is the huge problem? Personally if someone only knows bytes, then I don't see how they could help me here. 90+% of all the possible problems would have been network-wise.. (which deals directly with how the net gets to my room). I feel that if people don't know what bits are, then they won't really be able to help me. Might sound mean, but peopel who just know bytes are usually peopel who just know from surfing the net, and the differences they receive. yes Bits is more networking, but that also means they are more probable on how it works. I am looking for an answer from those types of people, because I am one of them and i prefer to not screw up my settings. Sorry If I came off as rude, and sorry if i'm cominf off as rude now, but I posted in so that I would get my answer from people that would be most probable of giving me a good, precise answer. I am stumped, and I have asked friends that actually work in the IT area and they too do not know what the matter could be.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
Last edited by GakFace; 10-06-2003 at 09:35 PM..