I think a good idea for a film would be........
You've got this guy walking down a street. The camera would be focused on his face, the camera moving back as he's moving foward. His eyes would be focused 15 degrees to the right of the lense. For the four minutes, he'd just be walking in line with the camera, focused on something to his right. No soundtrack during this scence, though. No noise except his breathing. At the one minute mark, his nostril flares. During this first scene, the man does blink, of course. The camera is focused on the area from his mid-chest to one and a half inches above his head. After the two minute mark, a loud scream is heard. The mans face, which was emotionless, becomes inhumanly twisted. He starts to fall backwards, falls for 30 degrees without the camera following him, but then the camera catches up.
But from there.... I get writer's block. Pretty shitty opening scene, eh?
" Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."
- Lin Yutang
hearts, by d.a.