You may want to look at some of the following topics:
-- Understanding computer hardware (ie: bus speed, BIOS setup, interrupts, DMA, IDE, SCSI, etc.) - "build you own computer" books might help
-- Look up some resources about MS-DOS batch files; others might laugh but if you want to get a good idea of what you can do to automate file system tasks, this is the first place to start
-- Understanding how MS-DOS, Windows 9x, NT, 2000, and XP handle memory usage
-- Windows system file such as DRV (old), SYS, and DLL - why do they exist and when are they used?
-- The Windows registry: why it's dangerous to mess with but perfectly safe if you know what you're doing; removing installed programs from the registry
Good luck and ask questions.
How you do anything is how you do everything.