Originally posted by Lasereth
I just want my fucking Battlefield to work like it's supposed to. Hell, if I update my Internet Server list on BF, then it never says there's more than 500-2,000 people playing at any one time. Give me a break...well over 10,000 people play BF everyday at any given time. Back home with DSL, my server list would be HUGE with over 10,000 people playing. Now I'm lucky to get 1,000 people listed as playing, making the server list incredibly small. Does this sound like network port problems anyone? I know nothing about college campus port/network issues.
Any clan server behind a firewall won't be seen because you're already behind one and two comps behinds firewalls can't see each other unless a port is tunneled through the firewall, which only the IT techs have permissions to do on the box. personal firewall programs usually open game ports by default, but the university won't because those same ports can be configured for file sharing. Sorry guys, but you are most likley out of luck on this. try using a ping program and pinging your machine(s) Ip address from another computer on the gaming port needed and look at the milisecond response time, if you even get a response time.