interesting, I was just reading this article the other day as well. I live with a bunch of housemates that eat everything from a package. Microwave meals, pizzas, things from a can.
ME? I try to make my own pasta sauces and gravies and sauces from scratch sometimes. Gives me some pride in my cooking, even if it turns out somewhat disastrous, or not worth the effort sometimes.
I tend to agree with the author of the article. Using packaged items exclusively doesn't seem like all that good an idea. Packaged cheese? My local supermarket has a HUGE selection of REAL cheese. And these truly taste immensely better than packaged cheese. ( which i still use sometimes for sandwiches... but... )
Most of my 'homemade' meals don't take more than 30 min of prep time and another 30 min of cooking time. I'm not sure how much more time you could save by using only packaged items.
Right now, its a mix. I make my tomato sauces using diced tomatos from a can. It's waaay too troublesome to peel and boil and dice tomatos from scratch. (But its worth it sometimes, the sauce you get actually turns out pretty good, depending on the freshness of your tomatos.... )
But spices and condiments, I tend to use fresh ingredients. Yes, chopped garlic saves time, but it just doesn't have the same aroma to it.