I'm an over-tipper, and damned proud of it.
However, like warrrreagl and a few others I've read so far, I refuse to tip if I'm not seeing service.
Just so the record is straight, when I say I "over-tip", I'm talking tips of 30%-100% of the bill. I've given a waitress $100 for incredible service for my friends and myself in the past, and I'm usually willing to do the same if my standards are met. Even if it's mediocre service, the server will usually see 30% out of my pocket, and that in itself is usually incentive enough for them to treat me right the next time I come in.
On those rare occasions when there is just no redeeming feature for the nightmare dining experience (for example, when the server is doing his or her own thing to the expense of all their tables) then they get just what they deserve....jack shit. I have done this in places which I regularly frequent, and the server(s) who receive nothing usually wind up getting set straight by those I've tipped the hell out of.
Besides, I am more than willing to go to the hostess' stand or seek out the manager to change my seating if I'm saddled with a server who has a track record of poor service (3 or more times with shoddy treatment will get that "track record" going quite nicely in my book). I won't do business with people I cannot count on, and I make sure that those who take pride in their work and in the care of their customers see ample rewards from my end.
I like to think of it as Instant Karma....you get back just what you put out. College student or not, actor or not....I really don't care. If you're a waiter, then that's what you are when you're at work. I don't ask to hear about the tryouts and auditions the "actors" and "actresses" are going to, and I certainly don't care about the hectic college life. I've been there and done that. All I expect of my servers is to be attentive, prompt (whenever possible) and courteous. Failing those three things will get you.....NO TIP!
Last edited by wry1; 10-06-2003 at 02:00 AM..