That fact is that all university's have an implicit right to bandwidth shape (read: control) what occurs on their network. In schools such as mine or The_dudes, we pay actual money instead of a semester tech fee and thus the schools see no evil.
Why? because if you pay for your bandwidth, then the school can claim that they simply provided you the pipe as an ISP and have no responsbaility towards your actions. schools that provide the network access as part of a dorm have been found in court to be legaly liable for everything their students do. your fooling yourself if you think the schools ever going to give the user controll when they have to answer for student downloading.
most schoools just cap all no-standard ports and call it a day now. They also limit bandwidth and monitor network activity. If you can download it, the network IT's can see you did, and yes that includes massive porn stashes. Most students only pay about ~150.00 or so a semester in their housing contracts for the tech fee's and at that low a rate most schools already eat money on what the students use for bandwidth.
The point is that for the low amount paid for dorm acccess at high speeds, you have no rights and aren't likley to find asympathetic It person willing to open a port.
Just focus on the studying and save the games and kazza for when you move off campus as an upperclassman.