UT doesnt cap anything.
I have a practical speed of 6mb upload/6mb download (i get 40mb upload/download in the CS lab).
kazaa downloads have gone up to like 400kb/sec and downloading through download accelerator plus goes @ like 600kb/sec.
As for games, I get EXTREMELY good pings. like < 20 in CS @ most servers. I have sent an .iso file to a friend (on dsl with 1000 download) @ 125kbps.
everything is good here, except the fact that they charge us for internet and cap our use.
it's $20/month and 4GB/week bandwidth.
try different games and see if u can get better speeds. diff games uses diff ports and some of them might be open on the network. i've heard a lot of univ's limiting kazaa use and i've heard of other programs that work behind the firewall. (although i dont remember 'em. sry

and as for IM programs, try other messenger programs and see the results. i for one cant DCC off of irc very fast.
go there and do a bandwidth test.