Here at ASU in North Carolina, our network is capped with some uses as well. Our browser downloads go on average at 500KBps-1.5 MBps, with our AIM transfers on campus going at about 1.2 MBps. KaZaA goes at 3 KBps max. Yes, 3k. I also downloaded a file from IGN at 6.5 megabytes per second. It varies a lot depending on which application you're using.
The ONLY game I play online is Battlefield 1942, and it does the 999 ping thing you say, except ours goes up to 9999. Every 3 minutes or so, the ping goes down to regular levels of 50-200. Then after 1 minute, it stays at 9999 for another 3 minutes, making it impossible to join any servers. I honestly have no fucking idea why it does this. Last year it did NOT do this. I think it may have something to do with all of the new viruses and worms out recently. Maybe college campuses had to install some sort of firewall or protection program that limits the types of bandwidth distributed around campus. Either way, if I'm able to connect to a game in BF within the 1 minute that it's fine, I can play as long as I want to with a great connection. Really weird.
Those are my experiences, anyway!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert