"A Taste For Roy"
a true story by Anleja
On stage, getting ready to perform before a crowd of 1,500, Siegfried looked at Roy. Roy looked at Siegfried. They gave each other a mutual smile. Soon they would bring out the tiger. The tiger was Roy's idea, decades ago. "Gentle creatures" he told Siegfried. "Nothin' but big pussy cats. Their hearts are 100 times the size of their teeth."
And gentle creatures they proved themselves to be, show after show after show. Sometimes they even let the tigers sleep between them in their shared triple-king-sized bed.
After they smiled at each other, they looked to the crowd and smiled some more, raising their arms to greet the fans. To welcome them to a show they would never forget.
Meanwhile, the tiger was sleeping in his cage to the side of the stage. He was having a dream. Africa. Running free. Eating fresh hot animal flesh and washing it down with tongue laps of water. In the dream, the tiger stared at the water as he drank it. After this, he was going to hump some lady tiger. All was well. Then, in his dream, he saw Siegfried and Roy rise up out of the water as if they were stanging on big bubbles. Before the tiger could comprehend what was happening, Roy leaped onto his back and restrained his head with a chain in the mouth as Siegfried looked into the tiger's eyes and said "there there kitty, just a little shot to put you to sleep." The tiger saw the syringe, and as soon as he felt the needle touch his skin...
...the tiger woke from his dream to the sound of 1,500 screaming humans. He heard his cage being opened by one of Siegfried and Roy's 250 assistants. The assistant held in his hand a slab of bloody cow meat.
"Here ya go, ya big furry bum," said the assistant as he handed the tiger the cow meat. "Eat up, you're on in five."
The tiger slowly chewed the cow meat as he looked at Roy talking to the audience. "We have for you tonight an evening of wonder, an evening of enchanment," Roy was saying to the audience through his microphone.
Suddenly something strange happened. Even though he was eating cow meat, it suddenly started to taste like how Roy smelled. An odd mixture of vanilla and sweat and... so tender. As the tiger chewed the meat, he stared at Roy, imagined his tenderness, his flavor.
"Bring on the tiger," cried Siegfried. Suddenly the tiger was once agin hit with the nightly ritual of stimuli, the lights, the cheering, the excitement... and a new sensation: a taste for revenge. A taste for escape.
A taste for Roy.
"Down, my friend," said Roy, looming over him like a storm cloud, smiling. I said... DOWN!"
As he said these words, he brought his microphone to the tiger's nose, tapping and tapping and tapping and...
Roy screamed as his body was flung like it never had been flung before. The tiger suddenly felt many years of the frustration of being captive lifted off his large muscular shoulders. He would be no one's prisoner from now on.
As they sprayed him with a fire extinguisher, he let go. He licked his lips clean. A taste of Roy.
The tiger looked at a terrified Siegfried and
thought to himself:
"Who's smiling now, motherfucker."