If I seen a child being dragged behind a car, That would make me pissed off. Kids are helpless like alot of animals are that this happens too.
I highly doubt that anybody with a normal mind would find it amusing watching a helpless animal being dragged by a truck...That is just sickening that people actually do that. People who find it amusing would have a different outlook on it if they actually witnessed it...And if they still found it funny....They belong in a rubber room with a straight jacket...24/7.
I honestly have more care for animals that are abused than I do for humans.
Humans can seek help, Animals cannot.
One of my Aunts was abused for years by her boyfriend..She is still with him and she never once went to the cops.
I don't talk to her and I show no sympathy for her....As far as i'm concerned she doesn't even exist anymore. She could have helped herself..But she chose not too.
What are animals suppose to do when they are abused by thier owners? When they have had enough of the abuse they turn, Then they get put down...Does that make sense? Didn't think so.
Anybody that abuses any kind of animal for pleasure...Has problems, That's a fact. And if they have to take thier anger out on an animal then they are a weak person.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi
Last edited by IC3; 10-05-2003 at 11:31 AM..