Originally posted by Jack Ruby
Here in Belgium, I haven't seen a single theatre that didn't sell beer. It helps that beer can be drunk from the age of 16 upwards, instead of 21, which is obviously moronic.
unless you take into account the mindsets of 16 year olds from different places. whereas european youth seem to have a little wider view of the world around them and their place in it, most (i said most, not all) 16 year old americans are egocentric, overly dramatic little shits who give very little care to anything outside their narrow little box.
beyond that rant, i'm not a drinker in any respect, but we do have a nifty little art theatre where they serve beer and wine, the only catch being that you can't take it into the theatre. it's okay though, the lounge area outside the concession stand is actually quite nice and they keep it stocked with plenty of periodical reading materials and board games to pass the time. this theatre is truly one of my favourite places to go see a movie.