A few home-made weapons I can personally attest to:
Forks hurt like crap when you get stabbed w/ one, and even the little plastic ones you get in the school cafeteria can draw blood. (this actually happened to me once) Sporks will also be enough to draw blood (accidentally did this to a friend once... *oops*) but they generally shatter after used with enough force to do so.
Anything hot-- working in fast food I'm SURROUNDED by weapons. They tell you in the training videos that people like to rob fast food places cuz they're easy money, but I think you'd have to be fucking retarded. Besides the obvious ones (coffee, knives, one of those big ol' roll of quarters) I have a scar on my hand from getting whacked with a hot fry basket and have always thought that the metal spatulas we use on the grill could also do some damage.
Pencils. This has allready been mentioned a few times, but always with just close-range stabbing. I've had a kid use one on me throwing-knife style, and still have a scar to prove that it'll work.
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."