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Old 04-26-2003, 12:21 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Where hockey pucks run rampant
Actually I find it unfair to not include the borg, q, etc. what with Jedi force powers (I believe they could take on the Borg what with all they've done in the extended universe).

Bigger doesn't equal better, Hycdubg. Look at what happened to the Super Star Destroyer in ROTJ. It was taken out by one A-wing.

Technologically, Star Trek has an advantage. Blasters are based off lasers which Trek shields can easily defend against (ie. remember the TNG episode with the smuggler and the princess and prince who secretly loved each other? When the princess' (?) father threatened with lasers, Riker jokingly asked if they should go to yellow alert). Phasers, from Trek, are much more aligned and, thus, more dangerous.

The flip side to this is the Jedi light saber. It can stop any form of energy as long as it can deal with the energy stress. If they could form shields out of this technology, the War faction would win (as long as Trek didn't find a way to shatter it continually like the lava dragon did in the Kevin J. Anderson book trilogy).

However, I give the edge to Star Wars. Q would likely never involve himself in anthing to make a difference. I think the Jedi could develop a way to be on equal terms with the Borg. And, my main reason, is that Star Wars had the majority of its ships made out of, well, utter crap. These ships were basically you're trailer park autos. If they were united together as a whole, I think they could come up with some really potent stuff. Star Trek would have to rely solely on its tech while Star Wars has its mystic Jedi and the tech potential to last long enough to develop even better products.

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