It's called instinct..I don't know about every predator in the food chain..But read my post above I added a bit more about tigers & cheetah's and other wild cat's.
I have actually watched my cat play with a mouse before...I honestly don't think they intend to kill it, They are playing with it cause it moves. Cats don't try to munch on your finger when you wiggle it. They just play with it...But end up killing it in the process from thier claws.
I think alot has to do with territory too...If predators kill and not eat it..Then it's cause they feel thier in danger and will kill to get rid of that threat they feel.
I just can't see how an animal can kill just for the hell of it...There is always a reason..Protecting itself or feeding itself...But a predator will never kill it's prey and leave it..And they will protect it from other predators and fight till the death for the food.
Cats or any predator kills cause that's what it is...A hunter, It kills cause that's the instict they have...There is no pleasure in it...That's just the way they are.
Last edited by IC3; 10-04-2003 at 01:12 PM..