Hmm, the almighty O.
I can have many, or I can have none.
My bf can do the exact same thing to me three nights in a row, and on the first night, I may have three. On the second night, none, and one on the thrid night.
Why? It depends on so many factors for me- my day, mood, time of day, temperature, how long foreplay was, how long it was since my last O was.
I basically call it my clit mood. If my clit is in a good mood, expect more than one.
I think that the biggest thing guys need to understand is that sex is fun with or without an orgasm. I enjoy the heat and the passion and the face my bf gets when he gets off. But mostly, I enjoy the fact that it is me with him. So even if I don't get off, I still had a damn good time.
You don't know from fun.