in my life, one thing i cannot tolerate as a human being, Christian, and good man is the words of hurt thrown at people.
i'm southern, and i've had to hear more 'nigger' references than any none hater ever should. i also hate the word 'faggot'. i have a _very_ close, very gay friend.
also, i'm in a wheelchair. the word 'cripple' used to hurt me.
but i have a tendencie to say, ,if i look silly, 'does this look gay?'. it's just a silly statement.
faggot is a hateful word... people should loose it. the world would be much better if they'd loose many words.. like:
nigger, wigger, whitey, wetback, honkey, spook, faggot, cripple, and such
unfortunately, we are a rude society.
However, just hearing a word that is not directed at a person is harmless.. maybe think about it in their eyes.