Originally posted by Jim Kata
I hate when someone says "I'll get you the next time." You AND they, know you won't see shit next time either.
Last night I had a delivery for this mooch that used to come into the deli all the time. He would hang out and crack jokes and what not...but he disappeared. Now he orders food to his apartment and every fuckin time he is like "I'll get you next time."
If you are a cheap bastard, just accept the fact that you are, and don't try and make it like you just happened to be short on cash that time, or the time before, or the time before that, or the..............
Look at me. Swear to me. That the next time you deliver to him and he says that line, "I'll get you next time.", swear to me, now, you'll do this.
Look him dead in the face. Don't utter a word. Stare until he can take no more. If he attempts to close the door in the middle of this, slyly stick your foot in the door. This is cheapest excuse for scum I've seen. Do me a favor and swear.