I've lived in the same state for 26 years and in the same town for 18 or so of those years. I guess I fit in here as well as anywhere else I've seen. My town is a Northwoods town of pop 10,000. I remember when we got our first department store "Walmart"
If I ever moved to the city I'd need to find me a buddy to learn the ropes with. lol I've never even ridden in a taxi let alone flagged one down. Been to Chicago twice and got tension migranes both times.
I've never felt like I quite fit anywhere. My ideas aren't exactly Mainstream. Being raised very religiously and then becoming swingers - there aren't too many people around with that kind of thinking. Also being a teacher, mom, breatfeeder (still at 3 yrs old), self employed... I don't have too many around with the same type of value structure. I just do my own thing and don't worry about it anymore. My lack of "fitting in" was why I got in fights in school. It's how I make the world work for me now.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.