Originally posted by Thraeryn
You know, I'm appalled by some of the sentiments in this thread. She let him take the pictures, so she "deserves what she gets"?!?!?! What in the fuck kind of misanthropic viewpoint is that?! This woman put her trust in a man that she was in a relationship with, and let him do something special, and you're saying that because of it, she deserves to be humiliated in front of her asshole (the original post does say that HE broke up with HER, for reasons that AREN'T mentioned) boyfriend's buddies, AND her family?
If that's a prevailing opinion, I'm not sure what the fuck I'm doing here.
to clarify, i'm not saying what he did was right. i just don't think it was illegal. also, when i posted, i didn't notice that it said he put her number on there. guess i skipped over it. i definatly don't think that's right.
Originally posted by Hanxter
sorry dude - it happened... maybe he got the idea from the one you mentioned... but it did happen
well, it's funny either way.