Quick theory on ox sensors and running rich,
The o2's should switch from rich to lean 10 times in 10 seconds,
when the copmuter sees it rich it cuts down the injector pulse with, then it still doesnt see the o2's dropping lean so it cuts more pulse width.
It can only cut so much pulse width and when that happens then it turns on the CEL.
Check fuel pressure, even though the comp. is cutting down pulse there is still too much fuel passing through the injectors.
Leave the fuel pressure gauge attached and shut off the car, if prussure drop rapidly then you have a leaking injector.
You might just have 2 lazy o2 sensors, stuck rich.
If you reset the CEL and the sensors havent passed the readyness functions yet inspection will know that you reset it, here in Jersey if they are not ready the car still fails without the light being on.
OBD2 computers need atleast 2 driving cycles to reset a code and ready up the system.
2 drive cycles= car at normal operating temp, cruise at over 40mph for 2 minutes.
I hope this helps, if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.
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