Cool! Thanks for offering your advice. It's quite timely, as I'm looking to buy a house in the $120k range this winter.
Factors against me:
-I'm 21.
-Not much credit. 1 credit card which I've had since last December, a student loan in repayment, a few bank accounts, a few years of paying utilities, and that's pretty much it. 1 late student loan payment, everything else is fine.
-Don't want to put much down. Maybe $4000-6000 or so.
-The lease on the house I'm renting expires in February and I want to be into a house by then, so I'm kind of in a hurry. I'm getting sick of paying someone else's mortgage.
Factors in my favor:
-7 years steady employment, a little over a year at my current job.
-Making about $55k/yr.
Is it going to be hard for me to get financing because of my weak credit history and not putting much down? How do I get started? Also, is it easy to roll some extra money into the mortgage to pay for additional costs (furniture, repairs, etc)? Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.