I get invloved in various functions for a couple of charities.
One is the Make-A-Wish Foundation. In 2002 we did a Clips/Cuts and Shaves where we get a salon to work on your hair, staches, & beards. We get friends to pledge what they want and hold it at a local bar. We hold 50/50 raffles and get the beer distributors to donate beeraphenalia to auction off. The local TV stations come and do a news item that gets aired later. We get a DJ to play tunes thru-out the event as well. Needless to say there's a lot of "suds" flowing.
In 2002 we raised $5375. In 2003 we raised $13826.
Another is for the Maine Childrens Cancer Fund. A local biker club holds the annual "Belt Sander Races". It started in a bar here in town when someone bragged about a new Makita he just got. We have a track built out of plywood abot 24 feet long with walls on each side and a divider in the middle. It resembles a drag strip and has a starting line with a "Christmas Tree" and a catch box stuffed with styro-foam and the end. Outside the track, on each side, at the start line are two receptacles with a flip switch where you would plug in your sander. People come from all over not just to watch but to participate as well. Cheating is encouraged. Again, we hold raffles & door prizes and ALL proceeds go to the kids.
So what do you do???