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Old 10-01-2003, 05:49 PM   #48 (permalink)
Location: that place with the thing
Originally posted by IC3
I love how people who don't smoke Marijuana can say how addicting it is and how it screws you up.

Have you ever smoked Marijuana? (And I don't care about how screwed up your pothead friends are, I am asking you)
Nope. Don't ever plan to. And I'll still tell you that it screws you up. Why? Because medical studies show that it negatively impacts brain cells. There's controversy as to whether the brain cells are killed, whether they are put to sleep for such a length of time as to suffer from atrophy and die, or whether they are merely affected for a shorter span of time. But nevertheless, brain cells are affected. I would call that "screw[ing] you up." Granted, that's a matter of semantics, and is entirely subjective, but at least now you know where I'm coming from.
My pothead friends are screwed up, by the way. And do you know why I generalize? Have you ever taken a statistics class? A large sample (generally agreed upon to be greater than 20) is often indicative of characteristics within the population from which it's taken. That's simply biology and mathematics. Out of 20 pot-smokers I know, six have gone to college and/or have steady jobs. Not a very good ration.
Save your breath telling me "everyone is not that same", and "it's not fair to generalize." The former is obvious, and the latter I've explained in more than suitable detail.

It is not physically addictive, You don't crave it like you do a smoke....I don't anyways. I smoke it cause I love the high you get from it.

And what Sad_Machine said about marijuana letting you look at pretty much everything in a different perspective...Is totally true. And don't say it isn't...Unless YOU have actually had the expierence.
You smoke it 'cause you like the high. So... exactly what I said, right?
You'll also recall that I didn't argue effects of marijuana, I argued motives for smoking the stuff. My point, as I noted above, you proved.

Don't bitch about people who smoke Marijuana cause it's illegal. I bet the majority of this board who doesn't do drugs or drink...Or do anything Illegal, Still download MP3's. Don't say that's different, Cause Illegal is Illegal.
Well, shit. I didn't realize we were going to look at crimes in a quantitative manner, and disregard the severity of each. I'll make sure to use this same approach the next time someone tries to tell me there's no difference between murder and petty theft.
For possession of pot, you can go to jail for 10 years (in most states; there is no federal law after all).
For online copyright infringements, one can go to jail for 3 years. Not to champion the government, but even life politicians, with their completely jaded and skewed views of life, see a difference.

To all of you who are in love with classic rock (Jimi Hendrix, The Doors etc etc.) Some of you are so against drugs, But remember that album that came out when you were younger from Jimi Hendrix or whoever? I would put money down that all or most was written under the influence of Marijuana or some drug. Even today we know some of our favourite artists are doing drugs, But everyone who is against drugs will still go out & buy that CD.

Some of the best music has been created by pot heads...So don't knock it...Or cut yourself loose from anything & everything that has been invented under the Influence of Marijuana...Cause next time you go out & buy a CD that is produced by a Pot Head...You are supporting their habbits..In a small way.
I'm not sure if this is in response to me, or others; I'll answer as though it was intended for me:

I don't care. I never said pot-heads should die, or that they were a plague to society. Do all the drugs you want, just don't hand me a line of bullshit to justify your addiction and illegal activities. Don't try to tell me that it makes you philosophical, that life becomes more beautiful, or that existence becomes clearer; you're fucking high. If it were about the altered state of consciousness and its effects upon your inquisitive psyche, there are plenty of alternatives, some that are even healthy for you. Why not give those a whirl?

Or is it that if you can get some kind of entertainment out of it, Then it's ok if it was a pot head who made that song...But the average guy smoking a joint after work is SO wrong and illegal and screwing up our lives and mind. Well, I would like to think that you people would think the same for Musicians and other Celebrities...But they are famous so it's ok right?
No. I believe I've already rebutted this point.
My favorite band crusades freedom of choice -- and thus drug use. Do I agree? Yes, and no. I think personal choice is a great ideal, and that very few things should limit it.
Do I think drug use should be widespread, or legalized? No. Argue all you want, but it is dangerous. That high kid, driving his car while trying to stuff a Twinkie into his mouth, is dangerous. Don't even dare call him an anomaly, 'cause I'll call you a willfully ignorant fuck.

I have been smoking since I was about 16 or 17..I am 25 now. I graduated from high school, Got a full time job, I now own my car...Have a few other things that I worked hard to get.

But every pot head is a loser, Lazy, No motivation etc etc.

Don't judge every smoker the same way as you judge your friends that smoke.
Damn. I'm sorry for basing my perception upon past experiences and events. Wait...! Doesn't everyone do that? Isn't that a basic fact of life?

I thought that all birds could fly until I studied the ostrich in school. For most authority figures, this was acceptable. Yeah, my perception before that was wrong, but it was pretty close. Conversely, trying saying all birds can't fly because you know the ostrich can't seems rather uninformed.

Congratulations on going places. As I've mentioned, I know many who have not. It takes a special will, intellect, and emotional makeup. Given that, maybe you want to consider yourself the exception to the rule, rather than the opposite.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons.
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and voice of reason.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son.
They're one and the same I must isolate you, isolate and save you from yourself."
- A Perfect Circle
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