See, there are some things you can do with a Hummer you can't do with a fuel efficient vehicle. A Civic can't tow a trailer (and anything a Civic can tow certainly doesn't qualify as a trailer), a Civic can't go off-road (well, it can, but it has a hell of a time getting back on-road), a Civic can't carry as much (throw any statistic you want at me "Oh, a hummer only has x amount more, that's almost nothing!" The real life test proves different).
Any half-assed pickup can tow a trailer, many of them can also go off road. You can also do those things with an atv/ four-wheeler. Comparing a hummer to a civic in those terms is a little silly. And really, all the people i see rolling a hummer through south minneapolis are the same people who would shit their pants over a scratch in their bumper. Going off road is the last thing on their mind( i know, a generalizaton, but still accurate).
Just because you can find a use for something does not make it necessary. People were hauling trailers and off roading long before anyone could buy a commercial hummer. Hummers aren't going to increase the amount of people who haul trailers and off road either.
Most suv drivers don't even actually take advantage of their vehicles's capabilities. It is all bullshit image management. Atleast minivan drivers generally use their van for what it was intended, cause i doubt anyone would buy one for image.