1) I would certainly like to know.
2) I might forgive, I might not. I think I am pretty good at sensing if someone if being honest with me. Like, if she said to me "I have to admit something: I cheated, and I feel terrible, and I want you to forgive me" and I feel she is genuine, then I just might. But if I find out she had cheated on me, and has no intention of telling me, or seems unremorseful, I would definately break it off. On the other hand, if she says "I have to admit something: I cheated on you, and I have to say... I loved it! I'm not sorry!" then I may consider staying with her and having an open relationship. Just kidding.
Edit, should I add I am considering leaving my wife for this reason. I know she did something, but she is denying it so much it is pathetic.
Last edited by anleja; 10-01-2003 at 04:58 PM..