what's up with that gig?
okay... so i'm in a situation that i didn't expect to be in for a while. with my latest income tax return, my student loans are going to be almost completely paid off. now i've been in default on those loans for a while since i left school, and default means no financial aid, which to me means no school. now that i'll be free and clear of those loans, i want to get back into school, but i'm not sure what i want to do, which leads to the question posed in my topic:
<b>what led you to your current career/job/gig that you're into now?</b> what influenced your decisions in choosing the career path you've taken, and would you do it all over again? are you happy in the life you've chosen, or are you like me and you want to make a change? tell us about what pays your bills and how that affects your life. in your doing so, i'm hoping to gain a little insight about how to best make my own decision.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine