Originally posted by drown_with_me
The Smiths' vs. Neo fight was pretty lousy CGI
I honestly don't see how people can say Reloaded had bad CGI when other movies that came out recently have piss-poor CGI. Look at Spiderman or Blade 2. They both suffer from the "my body has no gravity or inertia" sickness, making every damn scene look fake as hell. Even if you do think Reloaded's CGI is crap, you have to give the Wachowski Brothers credit for applying real-world physics to every action scene. Sure, people can't fly, but I'm sure that's what it would like like if they could. On top of that, sure, people can't do the insane fight scenes that are in Reloaded, but like I said before...if they could, I'm sure it would look like the Burly Brawl. Go back and watch the movies that also had "spectacular" fight scenes like Spiderman and Blade 2. If those scenes were real, it would NOT look like that because they have the wrong physics applied.