Neo vs the Sentinels: a more probably solution?
Try this one on for size...
The Matrix is coded in machine language. One to be compatible to the human mind and two to be compatible to the machine mind. (The machines interact with it as well.) Therefore if Neo can mold and shape the Matrix code at will then he can also shape and mold the machines code.
Now how do the machines communicate with each other? Anyone? Anyone? I'll hazard a guess that it's not through the Postal Service. They're probably using some sort of wireless communication. Does that make sense?
If Neo's mind has the ability to understand/alter machine code how far fetched would it be for him to be able to intercept the Sentinels own transmissions and send back altered information/commands?
This would give reason for what happened at the end of Reloaded, without resorting to the Neo is a machine or Matrix within a Matrix lameness.
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