something odd with kazaa lite
I formatted my comp and lost all my songs I had so I'm starting to d/l them again. However certain bands that I try and download give me screwed up versions of songs. What happens is in the middle of the song I the most annoying sound starts going, then stops after awhile and the song plays regularly.
Is this some sort of RIAA thing or what, I though kazaa lite did things to prevent this from happening. One thing I noticed that was different about this version of kazaa lite then the old one I had is that after kazaa lite it says K++, does that have anything to do with it.
So far the bands I've had problems with is U2 and Jimmi Hendrix.
Edit: I forgot to mention, these messed up files are usually only the ones that most poeple have. What I mean is if 100 users have a certain file for the song, it will most likely be messed up, but if 3 or 4 users have a file of a song it usualy isn't messed up.
Last edited by The_wall; 10-01-2003 at 09:18 AM..