Originally posted by guthmund
I don't really have a problem with cheating as long as it's just a physical relationship. . . . If she were emotionally cheating on me then I'd be upset, but just physical sex? probably not.
This is basically my viewpoint; Jin and I have talked several times and agreed that we don't mind some playing around as long as the other person knows, is okay with it, and is invited along.
Unfortunately, that doesn't really apply to your situation.
If the relationship was good, I don't think I'd care to know that she cheated. If she doesn't bring it up for me to find out, I can live on happily in my ignorance.
If I found out, I would probably either be crushed or in a crushing rage. Even if I were crushed at first, I would end up in a crushing rage. If she knew me at all, she would be very, very careful not to ever let me know.