It could have been my fault but the other day I had to get home right away. There are two cars infront of me in the left lane and steady traffic on the right. A gap opens up on the right and I move in and accelerate to pass the cars, I am about 2/3 in front of this station wagon as I give it a little more gas, signal and start to slide over. As im coming in a hear the horn and the guy in the rear veiw is giving me the finger, the only possible way I could have cut him off is if he put the hammer down as I looked back after shoulderchecking. He then pulls up next to me and shouts about getting out of the car and kicking my ass (6'7" and I don't usualy get intemidated) I just looked across at him and sped up a bit and he continued to play catch up and pull next to me and I guess he seriously expected me to pull over, I just stuck it in the right lane and at the last reaonably safe moment before the median crossed into a turning lane (no other cars were using turning lane) came barling through the off ramp and around a few cornes, then home, it had me pretty worked up as its the first time iv actually ran into road rage but the combination of tall, 17, classic porsche and N sign bring out the worst in people.