"I agree though, this is the only marvel comic that had transfered decently to the big screen."
not so. What of Spider-Man? Though the web shooters were changed to his wrist itself instead of an apparatus, the movie was a good comic-movie translation/transition. Gambit - his powers - kinetic energy charging of objects - not quite close to Cyclops at all, except that he can use the charged objects as projectile weapons (sometimes). As to Bishop - given his history, it wouldn't make sense (even for the movies, pathetic as they are) to have him in X3 with the Phoenix Saga. After the Sentinels are introduced, Bishop would be set for a guest appearance, reminiscent of "Days of Future Past", but before that, his presence in the timeline would be almost as confusing as, say, that of Shard or Tyler/Genesis. also - Mind_Storm - besides his kinetic charging abilities, Gambit is also a member of the Thieves' Guild, and a master with the bo staff (though his seems to be extendable). Throwing cards is the least he can do.
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor.
-- Robert Heinlein