aww K-wise, i understand your dilemna.
domestic rodents i love & have had many for pets. they look just the same as the wild rogue guys. CUTE. sadly, the wild boys do harm to our homes... & thus we must exterminate them.
this summer we tore down an old hottub shed/deck & a couple rats went scurrying off. a day or 2 later one of my dogs caught one. it was writhering beneath the hot summer sun, but not dead. my husband was out of town, so i beckoned my next door neighbor to do the unseemly deed. one swift blow with the spade & that little rat's misery was history.
once before i caught a mouse with a bucket. we drove him out to a country road & set him free there.
but the rat... well he was gonna die by my dog's bite. and otherwise he would've eventually died by poison & hopefully i wouldn't have ever seen his demise.