Dammit these fuckers are everywhere now!! The health department are supposedly spraying all the areas of Texas especially in standing water and I ain't seen one a those fuckin trucks yet.
And now they fuckin carry West Nile Virus which supposedly kills people in like 5 fuckin days.
Back at this town I used to live in there were these huge fuckin bugs that when I first saw em thought they were enormous fuckin mesquitoes. I was like "HOLY SHIT!!" and I'd smash the fuckers. Then later on I found out they were something the townspeople called "Mesquito Hawks" and they actually kill mesquitoes. The insects are actually called Crane Flies and fuck don't I wish we had a shit load a those here in South Texas cause I ain't about to fuckin catch a virus from a stupid fuckin annoying little bug. This is what they look like
<a href="http://troyb.com/photo/gallery/00001239.htm">
You can click on the picture for info on them
Mesquitoes are one fuckin insect of few (cockroaches too) that I can not for the life of me see their purpose for living. I mean at least other pests like Spiders and Ants do more good than harm. Like killing fuckin mesquitoes. We need to get one a them fuckin electricity lamps or some shit. Gettin ridiculous.