Anexkahn I agree it does have a lot to do with what the cops are like in a certain area.
We knew of the cops in this area and have dealt with them in the extended area. I our part of the country we have a lot of woods, small towns, and fairly bored cops. (They're bored enough to hand out a warning speeding ticket to my brother who was on roller blades. lol) They're not rough and most are just looking for something to do. We kinda chatted a bit and had a good time joking around with the ones who stopped us. If you know the cops aren't the type in that area to rip stuff up and you have the time to spare. I'd say go ahead and let them search. It'll give you a chance to talk to them and for them to get to know you. Next time you need something or something happens to go wrong that cop that you got to know a little may be more help to you. In my town there are about 25 cops on the force. I've had opportunity to meet and deal with a number of them and have seen the around town. There have been times when something was going wrong and we've helped each other out. One time a neighbor of mine had left her kids alone and they turned to me for help to watch the kids while they went to look for her.
Hubby has had a couple bad experiences with cops who seemed to not be willing to give him a break on tickets but for the most part we've seen that if we respect them and are willing to cooperate as much as we can then they will give us a break a little bit.
It's give and take.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.