i was rolling home from work one day and happened upon an old lady whose car was stopped at the side of the offramp - i stopped to see if all was okay and to ffer to let her use my phone, so she called her roadside assistance program fro help, but after wiating like half an hour it was getting hot, so i invited her to wait in my air conditioned car... bastard roadside monkey took an hour and a half to finnaly get there, during which we had a conversation about her just having moved into the valley... once she was taken care of i quietly headed back on my way home and i never heard from her again, but i'll always stop if i see someone witha busted car who might need a hand.
i've never had the opputunity to pick up a hitcher, but i think i'd just use my best judgement on whether or not i want that person occupying my car for any given amount of time... i'm not exactly the type to be fucked with so i don't have much of a fear of hitchers, but i'm not gonna let some nutcase occupy my vehicle. it's a case-by-case type thing.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine