i really don't watch very much tv at all, except for WWE wrestling. they replay the joe shmoe show after wrestling goes off and i decided to watch it to see what it was all about.
i thought the first episode was interesting, at least it had an interesting concept.
i just watched the episode where matt flattens dr. pat in the sumo suit. i rarely ever find a tv show laugh out loud funny, most of the time just amusing, but i laughed several times during this episode.
one specific moment comes to mind - the "nut knuckle"
all aside though - the show does reek and i mean reek of "non-reality" i wouldn't be suprised if matt already knows and is just "playing along". or if matt is really an actor and the joke is on the other actors...
if this show is honest to goodness "real" (which i have doubts) then the editing and production staff deserve emmy's.