Depends on the cop's attitude and whether I have anything to hide. In most cases I get along with cops. One time (on the night of my graduation from high school) we were headed to a party (it was literally minutes after leaving the graduation ceremony. A group of us (4 cars) were waiting for another friend who knew how to get to the party. We were parked alongside a road with a very wide shoulder (rural road right across the street from another friend's house), when a cop pulled up. He claimed that someone from the retirement home across the street called him (which was BS because we had been there for less than 5 minutes and no way in hell is there that kind of response time). We were completely respectful to him and he was a prick.
None of us had been drinking yet and I knew there was nothing in my car. He was taking his time going around every car and writing tickets for everything he found. One for a busted license plate light, one for obscured view (my best friend's mom had gone into his truck during the graduation ceremony and hung a Ziggy doll with the graduation year on it from his mirror), and the other car got a ticket for a bald front tire. While he was doing all this I decided to lay out on my car hood and crank the radio a bit.
Of course he didn't like this, ran over, got in my face, and asked what my problem was. I asked what his was and why he felt the need to harass a bunch of kids who had just come from their graduation ceremony. He made me assume the position (hands on hood, etc) and frisked me. He then gave me a lecture about respecting the police and crap. I gave him some more lip and he asked if I wanted him to find something on my car too. I told him to have at it. He spent a good half hour going through it and he was getting more and more pissed. There wasn't a single thing wrong and now a crowd was forming outside the retirement home since he had his lights on the whole time. He then said I could go but I better not come through his town anymore. Of course he neglected to give me back my license, registration, and insurance card. I pointed this out to him and said, "Now sir, I wouldn't want to be driving without documents in your town would I?"
I could see the anger in his eyes and I loved it. He was such a prick and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about me.
That was fun but it still pisses me off that he gave my friends those tickets on a night that was supposed to be one of the best in their lives. I hope I get a chance to see that cop again in the future just to point out what a dick he is. Sharkey, that's his name and I will always remember it.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.