most of the discussions i have tend to be on the mutual/acceptance level...there are many people here and in RL that i seek out to engage with ideas, knowing that niether of us will change our minds, but have them better made up for the challenge of the interaction.
For me, it is more important to engage the idea, rather than what decision gets made in the end. My favorite saying on this means justifying the ends is on an argument among rabbis over who was greater, Moses or Abraham. After hours of contention, one of them said "Abraham, for when he was told that many would die, he went to the Lord, Blessed Be He, and he argued for the lives of his fellow man."
The moral of the story is that when we engage our faith/philosophy, we reap its benifits...we are drawn in to living a life authenitic to our beliefs. Thanks, sexymama for posting this-i will be reposting to all the other boards i frequent...i think a lot of them could benifit from thinking about what level of discource they have.