Yeah, okay, liberal/conservative bashing aside, let's discuss this.
Some folks have pointed out that we have to try solutions before we can give up on them. To them I say: didn't the article point out that many, many solutions have been tried, unsuccessfully?
Some have pointed out that, as humans and humanitarians, we cannot let our fellow man suffer. Who suffers more? The man who is diseased and knows of no cure, or the man who has the same disease and hopes for a cure that he knows exists, but that never comes? Such is our "aid" to African nations: the miracle cure that never finds its way to the hands of the sick.
There are three solutions, as I see it. One: Go in and completely wipe out their way of life, replacing it completely with our own infrastructure, spending trillions of dollars until Africa no longer truthfully exists. Two: Take no active role in the political and social welfare of African nations, while still doing business with them. I don't see this as a real solution, as it would simply result in the corrupt regimes still selling us low-cost blood diamonds, etc. Three: Take no active role in the political, social, or economic welfare of African nations. Just forget that they exist. Unfortunately, we need the natural resources; we can't just let them be razed. It would force us to find some of our own or cultivate inventiveness, though.
So what do we do?