This thread reminds me of some school of philosophy (I hate myself for not remembering which, maybe someone like MacHeath might know who I'm thinking of) that asked whether it is right/possible for us ("the Western culture") to judge other cultures. May we apply, e.g. human rights, to China? Etc.
I believe that we must do our best to understand other cultures. That we should seek meeting points. BUT: If we have deep beliefs about something, and others have totally opposite views, there will have to be either a synthesis, or a winner/loser (see ARTelevision's Sun Tzu thread).
Also, you speak about terrorists being very religious, and beliefs "saying to kill". All world religions are opposed to killing. Most terrorists are not primarily religiously motivated.
I have to agree strongly with those who mention the hypocrisy in the so-called war on terrorism.
Didn't remember how intense love could be... Thank you B.