There's already a thread about guys and girls being just friends. And well, personally, i've never had a problem with just being friends with girls. I probably have more close girl friends that I do guy friends.
My problem is, there's this girl that I've been casually friends with, always somewhat interested in her, but never did anything because I was away at college. Now i'm back home, and I want to take it to the next level. The bad part is, through a friend, I found out she couldn't see herself going out with me in that way.
It's hard for me to believe though, because of the way she acts when we are together, and our long phone conversations, and all the other little things that I don't think a person would do if they weren't somewhat interested in the other person...
Is there still a chance that something can be done? I seriously need advice on what i should do next or what I should say.
I know straight out just telling her how i feel isn't going to work... and plus, I wouldn't have found out what I did if she didn't already have an idea that I was interested.
I'm so confused, and I can't see myself just backing off and putting this behind me... not yet.