The lies you can not explain away,
1 Editing Heston's speach to misrepresent him. No I dont expect to see every word he said, but I do expect the CORRECT context and intention. I guess you dont expect that from Moore, and to tell the truth, neither do I. You even said the speaches were different. Now read them both and tell me seriously if the contex of both speaches was the same. It clearly is not.
2 The NRA never helped the KKK, in fact, the NRA are and were a major thorn in the side of the KKK, but Moore is allowed to say other wise cause its a cartoon.
3 The US government never supported the Taliban as Moore said in his film.
4 The Canadian Government says that Moore could not legally buy ammo in that K Mart.
5 A NY resident can not get a gun in Michigan, like Moore claims to have done in the bank. If you have proof that he lived in Michigan when he was a NY resident at the time, please post it.
6 And the biggest lie, the whole blaming the Massacre at Columbine on the parents makeing WMD, when NOT ONE Parent made WMD. In fact they did the opposite. THey took weapons and made them into communication equipment. Again, you seem to be the only person that didnt see that Moore blamed Lockheed Martin. I guess you have the special edition. Here is the quote. Moore intones that the missiles with their "Pentagon payloads" are trucked through the town "in the middle of the night while the children are asleep." Moore asks whether knowledge that weapons of "mass destruction" were being built nearby might have motivated the Columbine shooter. Not that the shooters here harrassed and abused by the other school students.
Here is another quote to be dismissed by Shrod.
"So you don't think our kids say to themselves, 'Dad goes off to the factory every day, he builds missiles of mass destruction. What's the difference between that mass destruction and the mass destruction over at Columbine High School?'"
The difference is, as Shrod even said, the parents DONT make Weapons of mass destruction.
7 Other silly lies and misrepresentations are the plague, Moore didnt paraphrase it, he misrepresented it. I guess the soliders in ww2 didnt kill combatants but "german villiagers?" O please. The whole reason the plague was created was to celebrate the fact that in a B-52 / fighter encounter, the B-52 almost always went down. It had very little defensive armament -- one gun mount in the tail -- a LOT less than a WWII bomber. Even if the fighter had already used its missiles, it had only to come in from above, below, or the sides, and the B-52 had no defense at all.
The plaque isn't celebrating killing (for all we know, the enemy pilot bailed out), but the fact that the American bomber came off the better in a fight where all the odds were against it.
Moore wants us to think that the plague was for "killing Veitnamese on Christmas Eve" The man is pathological.
8 the lie that Heston showed up in flint to promote guns 48 hours after kayla's shooting. Moore: "Just as he did after the Columbine shooting, Charlton Heston showed up in Flint, to have a big pro-gun rally." When the fact that it was 8 months later and for "rock the vote" doesnt enter the film. Again, if you freeze the DVD you can see the people Heston is talking to holding signs that say rock the vote, and Vote Bush.
Moore Lies. Lets hear your rationalisations for these lies.