The problem here is that you constantly refer to these minor changes and humouros comments which you claim are false, calling Moore a liar but never really explaining how this would affect the message of the movie or the facts behind. So what if Moore used dirty tricks putting the NRA, Heston or Lockheed in a bad light? Even if your constatnly repeating arguementation was right, this wouldn't really prove much more than that Moore is slightly altering facts to harm some people. What does that have to do with the US blowing the scale on gun-related murder? Instead of confronting Moore on theme here, you choose to look quite pedantic bickering away about some supposedly faked speeches or oddly-cut schenes. maybe you have some comments on his opinions conserning how to reduce violence and gun-murders? Maybe you have own solutions to show? Maybe you want to add something worthwhile to the debate? 11000 killed a year, and you keep on attacking the messenger calling him fat and complaining about "lies" which hardly conserns the debate at all.
Moore delivered a great message which needed to be heard. The world got to know some basic facts conserning the US and gun-related issues. His movie title was not "LOL Heston is stoopid", nor "Lockheed kills our children" neither was this his main message. It was about fear, violence, gun-ownership and disaster. Now please try and see if you can add anyting of interest to these issues.