Originally posted by jerseyboy
So here is where I need your help. What the hell is going on with this girl? Do you think the alcohol made her just say random things or did it just loosen her inhibitions so she would speak the truth more easily. Also whats up with the hand holding, was that just a product of the alcohol or did she really feel something. I am trying not to bee too excited about this, but after pining over this girl for 3 years its hard not to.
Okay, well I've been in this situation somewhat. I've known this guy for years, since we were both in diapers. But over the past year and a half we've been hanging out a lot. Last summer I would go to his house a few times a week and just hang out watching movies and TV. So of course I got a crush on him. I never said anything, because I never thought he would feel the same way. There were a few drunken kisses here and there, always initated by him. I never thought much of it, cause that's just how he is... So, 2 months ago we're out and having a pizza after a night drinking and he says to me "You know I liked you last summer." I was pretty shocked. Well, of course he has a girlfriend now, and I don't know how we would have been as a couple. We'll never know now anyway.
My take on this girl is that she does care for you. Somebody mentioned the window of opportunity. You may have possibly passed that. After a certian point, it's hard for a girl to date a guy that she's known for so long. Will it be weird? Will you still be friends? What if you break up? Those are things you've got to think about.
Alcohol is a funny thing. It does make you do and say things that you normally wouldnt while sober. So I say yes, she does feel something more. But does she want a relationship? I don't know. She may not know. But yes, you can't do anything while she's still with her boyfreind. Let her know that you're there for her. If she breaks up with him, don't go pouncing right away. Just be her friend.
That's not really a straight answer, I know. Sure, you could say something. But now it would probably just lead to more trouble than you'd need.
Good luck, let us know how it goes