Originally posted by noodles
tkd is simple. it also does a good job keeping kids occupied, moving, and motovated. if you or your child ever get really serious in martial arts, you might want to consider branching elsewhere.
I would agree that TKD is simple and it won't frustrate your daughter because of the difficulty. I have seen a few of the "Little Dragons" classes at my dojang and they simplify the program a bit for them for the same reasons that TKD does. Our supreme grandmaster says: "You can teach a monkey to kick and punch, but it's the spiritual and mental training that sets us apart."
I understand that when you are 5 years old, you don't really understand spirituality or the more advanced teachings, but what you do learn is disipline and respect for elders. That is one of the biggest things that the master for the Midwest schools stresses. He has the parents fill out a report as to how the child is doing at home and if they are not following the rules for home, then he may not promote them to the next belt level until things at home improve. Not sure if TKD schools do that, but I know the Hwa Rang Do schools around here do, and it definately makes a difference in the kids' attitudes.
Let me know what you thought of the Hwa Rang Do class after you see it. I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts are. Good luck!