Originally posted by forseti-6
Wow! Good choices. LAOALS and Blood on the tracks were my two top choices, along with Automatic for the People by REM. These three albums have influenced me so much. Layla is what I base my musical roots in. When I learned how to play guitar, my first thing I wanted to do was to learn every single song off that album. Blood on the Tracks (along with Nashville Skyline) really got the acoustics out of me. Automatic for the people is just the most sincere album I think. It brings tears to my eyes how well written that album was.
I also really love Tony Rice's Manzanita. Perhaps the greatest display of bluegrass talent ever.
You might want to give a listen to the 3 discs of the "Old & in the way" series; it was a live performance recorded one weekend in 1973 at the Boarding House in S.F. The band is David Grisman, Peter Rowan, John Kahn, Vassar Clemins and Jerry Garcia (yes, THAT Jerry) playing live bluegrass; EVERYONE I've ever turned onto this series LOVES it; great energy, good music; a real "live" feeling- kinda warts and all.