Originally posted by Jimmy4
So someone has to sue or whatever anyone says is automatically right? The NRA doesn't have to sue to prove it's wrong, we here have highlighted websites that have already proved that. So why does the NRA need to sue? Money? They're fine. Respect? Their members already know it's full of shit, so why waste their money on a suit saying what everyone (except a few ignorant people) already know. Now, I already shot down your ignorant arguement of them suing, so please, come up with something else.
Moore lied repeatedly. Don't believe it? Go check the video tapes themselves. Go find the actual speeches and such, what do you find? Well, I'll be damned, they're different.
Heh, I am sorry, but you have repeatedly ignored my argumentation here. I am not saying that Any claim no matter what will have to be tested in court in order to be discredited. What I am saying is that if BFC was such a big pile of BS as many of you would make me believe, then BFC would without doubt have to be tested in court. It seems very unlikely that NRA, Lockheed or any other major interest group seeing this movie, would miss an oppurunity to discredit the claims made in BFC in public, and in court.
The criticists are carrying a major burden of evidence here, and if you really are right in all your accusation of lies, then why would the NRA, Lockheed, Charlton Heston or any other corporation or individual criticised in this movie bend over and take it? They would not just make a dodgy website reachin out to a few tohusand angry gunowners, they would sue, and scream out to the world with law in hand exactly what lies and accusation Moore is spreading to millions of people all over the world.
Please, get serious, and answer me on this for once.